Strong advocate for the use of open source technologies in day-to-day library operations. Heavily involved with software development, network management, data (and metadata) wrangling, server administration, process automation and a host of other technical odds-and-ends at the Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN), an independent agency within the State Library of Ohio.
Over 15 years of experience providing technology solutions to libraries and consortia, including most recently as the Library Systems Analyst at OhioNet; proudly serving members of CLEVNET, OhioLINK, Consortium of Ohio Libraries (COOL), Ohio Private Academic Libraries (OPAL), Serving Every Ohioan (SEO), Private Academic Library Network of Indiana (PALNI), Central Library Consortium (CLC), and the Cleveland Clinic.
Lover of the Carvin SC-90 from the late 1990s with C22 humbuckers and Tune-O-Matic bridge, Godin’s xtSA guitars with magnetic and piezo pickups for hexaphonic output, Bob Bradshaw’s Custom Audio Electronics MIDI switching systems, and audio synthesis and manipulation tools like Pure Data and SuperCollider.